1. Go to our giving form.
  2. Click "Log In" in the upper-right corner. Enter your user ID and password, and sign in.
  3. You will be on the Give tab. To set up a recurring donation:
    • Fill in the amount and frequency (weekly, bi-weekly, 1st and 15th, or monthly)
    • Select the fund you want to donate to. The Operating Fund is the default, but several other common funds are also listed in the drop down.
    • Add or select and existing card/bank account that you want to use for the donation.
    • Select whether you'd like to cover the transaction feeds or if you'd like LCR to cover the fees.
    • Click the Give button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. To see your recurring giving configuration, click on the Recurring tab at the top of the screen. You can also delete a recurring gift from here.

To give to multiple funds, just repeat step 3 for each fund.